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Crafted from Carefully Chosen Wood Fujikawa Craft's

Crafted from Carefully Chosen Wood
Fujikawa Craft's "Creative Kokeshi"

What is Creative Kokeshi?
backgroundbackgroundfive kokeshi

What is Creative Kokeshi?

Fujikawa Craft's "Creative Kokeshi" are kokeshi dolls created with free and creative ideas, without being bound to traditional or regional styles.
Traditional kokeshi dolls are typically made with the same long and narrow shape and color patterns that have been passed down and preserved
In contrast, Creative Kokeshi are constantly exploring new forms without being limited by traditional conventions.
Although there are no special characteristics that all Creative Kokeshi share, they are all expressions of beauty created through the craftsman's free ideas and modern techniques. The purpose and intention of producing Creative Kokeshi is different from that of traditional kokeshi.

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Hand-made by skilled craftsmen

Hand-made by skilled craftsman

Crafted from Carefully Chosen Wood

Natural woods selected carefully and embodies the highest level of care.

Fujikawa Craft’s with over 60 years of history

Fujikawa Craft’s with over 60 years of history

Creative Kokeshi

Fujikawa Craft has been making kokeshi dolls for over 60 years and has accomplished many discoveries and trials through the years.

Our top priority is using "wood that the artist likes" and being particular about which species of wood and in what condition to use. Each step is cleared by hand, and each time different feelings are put into the work, ultimately leading to completion. Please try holding one in your hand and feel the warmth of the wood.

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Production Process

Artisans with a strong dedication and passion for their craft create each unique kokeshi doll by hand, from wood carving to painting, and everything in between.
Each kokeshi doll is made with great care and attention to detail, resulting in a one-of-a-kind piece that only we can create.

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Workshop Guide

Akagi Mountain is widely known in Gunma Prefecture as one of the three famous mountains of the Kanto region (the other two being Mount Haruna and Mount Myogi).
Akagi Village is located at the western foot of the mountain, and our workshop is located in Shibukawa City.
We strive to embody the spirit of valuing nature and culture in the creation of our Creative Kokeshi dolls in this region blessed with both natural beauty and cultural significance. Please feel free to contact us for inquiries or consultations!

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Workshop Guide